In a Christian Marriage, I never imagined that it would be possible to marry another person and not just quickly be a team. But this happened in my experience basically because I had been foolish enough to believe it might just very easily take place after we said "I do".
The Scriptures discuss the advantages to working inside a teamwork environment, but it will require steps on the part of both husband and wife to work as a married team.
The Advantages of Companionship (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 NLT)
9 Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. 10 If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. 11 Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? 12 A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer.
As a young husband, I'd been eager to meet the demands involving my wife and future children. I made the mistake of making an individual success strategy designed to eventually help the entire family unit, or so I believed.
Here's what I learned:
1. Without the engaged involvement of one's spouse, the very best course of action isn't going to be successful. I had been working for the achievement of my own desired goals each year, however she failed to look at them to be team successes. Major issue!
If you are not a team, harmful competition may form between you and become divisive. At some point, I awakened to a spouse that honestly believed she had little or perhaps less importance compared to me inside our relationship. "How so? I count on you for almost everything honey."
2. As being the head, it is your task to help affirm, help, as well as value the particular work of your spouse in every single given venture. In modern day world, front runners get lots of the public appreciation for any accomplishments actually acquired through the team. You can't adjust the way people could address your supporting cast, nevertheless you must find strategies to give them appropriate recognition for the effort which takes place behind the scene.
Whether you like football or not, we could all learn from quarterbacks that rapidly praise their offensive linemen whom guarded them all game long. They recognize that without their particular hard work, the astounding passes which the crowd adores would not have been possible.
3. Give your mate the chance to obtain some leadership experience when the circumstance occurs. There isn't any better option to completely understand precisely how essential the TEAM is than to become the leader by yourself.
I might function as the head of household at home, but Jesus provided my wife the chance to head a young adult group in our Church and I supported her decision to make it happen as part of my personal dedication to the team as well. A couple of months later, when the group had taken on a substantial fundraising task which could not be accomplished by simply my wife's efforts alone, it became obvious that amazing things could only happen if the team stepped up and helped her. She had absolutely no option, but to count on the group. This experience was good for our relationship since it has deepened her knowledge of being the leader. In exactly the same way, every single man needs his wife whether we verbally communicate it or not!
Challenge: Design a combined marriage success strategy along with your husband or wife! Post this within your house to be a continual reminder. Your likelihood of accomplishing everything that the Lord has for your Christian marriage are actually far greater if you agree on the plan.
On this Christian Marriage journey, we will have to learn to work as a team if we plan to reach our full potential and accomplish all that God would like to do in our lives. We know God is there, but it helps to have the support of a few others as well. You no longer have to struggle alone in figuring out how God's Word applies to your Christian Marriage. On this blog, you will find Christian marriage advice, supporting Scriptural references, inspiration video clips, and many other resources to help improve your marriage one day at a time.